I’m one of the editors, but I can recommend this volume on A Thousand Plateaus with a clear and serene conscience. Each of the contributors does something new and critical with a plateau, in ways unexpected and frighteningly rigorous, in the sense of testing ideas to the limit and, in…
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Comedy and Critical Thought: Laughter as Resistance
Comedy and Critical Thought, edited by Iain MacKenzie, Fred Francis, and Krista Bonello Rutter Giappone Includes my chapter on signs, diagrams and humour, ‘Diagrams of Comic Estrangement’ Draft version here
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Posthuman Glossary Editor(s): Rosi Braidotti, Maria Hlavajova The Posthuman Glossary is a volume providing an outline of the critical terms of posthumanity in present-day artistic and intellectual work. It builds on the broad thematic topics of Anthropocene/Capitalocene, eco-sophies, digital activism, algorithmic cultures and security and the inhuman. It outlines potential artistic,…
CINEMA 10 CFP: PAINTING, MOVING IMAGES AND PHILOSOPHY edited by Susana Viegas (IFILNOVA/Deakin University)) James Williams (Deakin University) Cinema: Journal of Philosophy and the Moving Image invites submissions for its issue on “Painting, Moving Images and Philosophy”.
Continue ReadingDo No Harm: the Extended Mind Model and the Problem of Delayed Damage
Williams, J. SOPHIA (2016) 55: 71. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11841-016-0515-3 This is my article critical of the harm that can come from certain models of the extended mind Abstract: I argue in this essay that there can be harm due to philosophy that is not directly expressed in violent imagery. The harm…
Continue ReadingAcinemas: Lyotard’s Philosophy of Film
Acinemas: Lyotard’s Philosophy of Film Edited by Graham Jones, Ashley Woodward This collection presents, for the first time in English, Jean-François Lyotard’s major essays on film: ‘Acinema’, ‘The Unconscious as Mise-en-scène’, ‘Two Metamorphoses of the Seductive in Cinema’ and ‘The Idea of a Sovereign Film’. Then, eight critical essays by…
Continue ReadingGilles Deleuze and A. W. Moore: Nonhuman Constructivism or Anthropocentric Narrative in Metaphysics
‘Gilles Deleuze and A. W. Moore: Nonhuman Constructivism or Anthropocentric Narrative in Metaphysics’ Philosophical Topics University of Arkansas Press Volume 43, Numbers 1-2, Spring/Fall 2015 pp. 301-317 Earlier draft here
Continue ReadingBarthes, Deleuze and Peirce: Pragmatism in Pursuit of the Sign
This is my chapter from Deleuze and Pragmatism edited by Simone Bignall, Sean Bowden, Paul Patton Abstract: In this chapter I will investigate three pragmatic approaches to the sign and three associated kinds of pragmatism. I aim to demonstrate that the disruptive nature of the encounter with the sign raises…
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