Cinema: Journal of Philosophy and the Moving Image 10 on “Painting, Moving Images and Philosophy”

Cinema: Journal of Philosophy and the Moving Image 10 on “Painting, Moving Images and Philosophy” is now online at I was guest editor, working with Susana Viegas, for this issue. Thanks to a terrific line up of papers and Susana’s outstanding knowledge of the field, the issue tackles the relation…

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Dissensus, Judgment, Universality: Rethinking Lyotard’s Politics

November 30 – December 1 International Workshop Dissensus, Judgment, Universality Rethinking Lyotard’s Politics at the Cluster of Excellence “The Formation of Normative Orders,” Goethe University, Frankfurt. Program for the Workshop.  I’ll be speaking about the potential for resistance to normativity and the deeper understanding of the genesis of normative orders…

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