Perishing and Démontage in the Works of Jean-Marc Rochette: a Process Philosophy of Life and Death

This post was partly written in preparation for a (storm-affected) contribution to the ERC funded project ‘Film and Death‘ led by Susana Viegas at IFILNOVA. J’ai moi-même souvent vécu ces temps d’intersection entre la vie et la mort. [I too have often lived through such times of intersection between life…

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Won’t be fooled again? Ezekiel Di Paolo and Enactive Autopoiesis: Semiology of Autopoiesis (VII)

I have distinguished between strict and loose definitions of the concept of autopoiesis. These definitions can overlap, in the sense that one might share conditions with another. They can also be inconsistent, internally and with each other, when they involve contradictory conditions. A looser definition has more conditions, but these…

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Modes of Explanation: Semiology of Autopoiesis (V)

Across my first three posts on autopoiesis I have contrasted strict and looser definitions of the concept. The stricter definitions are more logically consistent; they hold together rigorously. The looser definitions apply to increased real and imaginary cases; they have greater extension. It would be a mistake, though, to think…

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Claire Colebrook on Time and Autopoiesis: Semiology of Autopoiesis (IV)

The three concepts of autopoiesis, equilibrium and homeostasis function in all these domains: neuroscience, cognitive science, philosophy of mind, social theory and future studies. These concepts all presuppose a certain understanding of time, and suggest – as I state in the title to this essay – that the organism has…

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